Lakeview Amphitheater Parking
Parking information shown here may be subject to change. For latest parking information, please view Live Nation listing here.

Parking Lots
Parking is provided to concert guests in the Orange and Pink Lots, opening at 4:30 pm.
VIP and Premier Parking is in the Orange Lot, near the main gate.
Accessible Parking
Accessible Parking is located in the Orange Lot, near the main gate, and in the Pink Lot, near the Shuttle Bus area
Shuttle Service
Alternatively, a shuttle service is available from Warren Street in Downtown Syacruse, where free parking is offered at the Oncenter Parking Lot/Garage (800 S. State Street. The service begins at 4:30 pm and runs every half hour at a cost of $4 roundtrip. Shuttles will drop guests off in the Pink lot and pick up from the Amphitheater Main Gate.
Sat Nav & Directions
Enter the following address in your Sat Nav system or Google Maps to make your journey easier:
490 Restoration Way, Syracuse, New York 13209
You can find St. Josephs Health Amp at Lakeview 490 Restoration Way Syracuse, NY 13209. It is precisely located on the shores of Onondaga Lake in the Town of Geddes, near the western edge of Syracuse, New York. You can find directions to the venue with your choice of GPS device or app or your preferred map making software.
As concerts, events, and performances start at the time listed on the ticket, we recommend that you get to the venue no later than 40-60 minutes before the start time. This will give you plenty of time to get to your seat. Please keep in mind that parking lots will open at specific times as detailed below.
Parking Hours and Information:
Parking is located in the Orange Lot. Please follow directional signage and instructions from Law Enforcement, Security and/or Parking Team Members to expedite ingress & egress.
Amphitheater parking lots open at varying times, dependent on the show. No exceptions will be made for early arrival or for guests who already have parking permits.
» Lots will close two (2) hours after each concert.
» All spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
» No reserving of spaces is allowed and guests will not be allowed to purchase additional spaces.
» St. Joseph’s Health Amphitheater at Lakeview will implement the one car, one space policy for parking cars.
» All vehicles that do not park in a designated parking space or that do not follow the instructions of Parking Team Members are subject to being ticketed and/or towed (at the owner’s expense).
» No paneled or windowless vans or trucks will be permitted in any parking lots.
» Absolutely no glass bottles are allowed within the venue or any of the venue parking lots at any time
For the safety of all guests, parking lot drive lanes must be kept clear with ample room for full access by emergency vehicles. Guests must immediately comply with any requests to remove personal items that are obstructing any driveways. Failure to comply may result in the removal of the vehicle at the owner’s expense.
Parking Rates:
» Passenger Vehicles: – $20.00 per vehicle
» Accessible Parking for Guests With Disabilities – $20.00 per vehicle
» Limousines – $65.00 (Additional information below)
» Buses – $95.00 (Additional information below)
» R/V Parking – $95.00, no hookups or services (Additional information below)
» Premier Parking: rates vary per show; purchase in advance via
Only credit cards and mobile payment options will be accepted for payment. Please have your payment method ready upon lot entry.
Prices are for single spaces for the purpose of parking one vehicle. Fees subject to change without notice.
Drop Off/Pick Up & Rideshares:
Drop Off / Pickup is located in the Pink Lot, off of State Fair Blvd.Please follow the directional signage provided. Guests may then utilize the new pedestrian walkway to access the Amphitheater Main Gate (approx. 5-7 minute walk). Shuttles from the Pink Lot will not be provided.